Set during the Luddite uprising of 1812, Shirley takes place in the fictitional parishes of Briarfield and Nunneley, which Charlotte Brontë based on Birstall and Hartshead in the Spen Valley in Yorkshire.
The novel begins at Norland Park, a fictional estate in Sussex. Austen doesn't describe Norland in great detail, only that it was a "fine old house in the county of Sussex". Having spent most of her life neighbouring Hampshire, Austen would have been fairly familiar with Sussex and we know that she spent some time in Brighton and Worthing.
The setting plays such a powerful role in Emily Brontë's epic tale of star-crossed lovers, at times it seems to be one of the central characters. Wuthering Heights takes place in the windswept moors of Yorkshire, in a fictional village, not unlike the Brontës hometown, Haworth.